IRIS Recruitment: Even Semester 2019
What is IRIS?
IRIS (Integrated Resource and Information Sharing) is an actively developed digital portal facilitating many of the administrative, academic and alumni related procedures in NITK, making them convenient for the users and technologically strong in terms of efficiency, data and resource management.
We started our journey to build IRIS under the guidance and resources provided by Dr K V Gangadharan, Center for System Design, NITK Surathkal.
We have successfully migrated many of the pen-and-paper based procedures (including Admissions, Placements, Course Management, Fee Payment, Hostel Allotment etc) to IRIS modules, and continuosly expanding our horizons.
Recent IRIS Modules:
Some of the modules that we have worked over recently and are in testing / deployment stage are:
- Infrastructure Module: Allows users to book guest houses, seminar halls, class rooms etc for student activities, placement tests etc.
- Placement Module: Allows students to apply for Internships and Placements on IRIS, automating listing for companies, application process for students etc.
- CEMS Module: Calendar and Events Management System to allow for all kinds of Events which are hosted in NITK and push it systematically to all students. Currently in Alpha Testing. Status: Currently in Testing
- Hostel Module: Successfully conducted Random Hostel Room Allotment of 2nd Year and 3rd Year B Tech Students on IRIS.
- Finance Module: Integration of Paypal and Billdesk on IRIS for institute fee payment.
- IRIS UX-UI Dashboard: Improving the IRIS UX using feedback from different users and building on that knowledge to improve the UI as well.
- IRIS Android App for Placements: Developing IRIS Android App for Placement Module, currently in Beta Testing.
- NIRF Module: Development of the NIRF Module to collect data for all rankings and establish IRIS as a system for information retrieval.
What makes an IRIS Team Member Special :
- IRIS is one of the very few oppurtunities you’ll find as a student, which teaches you the complete application development life cycle. You will learn how things work in a professional scenario, as every single task you do here creates an impact on thousands of users.
- You will gain exposure to real world challenges and develop the ability to solve them in innovative ways, which significantly improves your professional skills along with technical knowledge.
- IRIS members are mentored by distinguished alumni from NITK.
- Also, many of the course instructors from CS and IT department consider your contribution to IRIS as a part of course projects.
Process to apply for IRIS
The IRIS Recruitment Procedure is a 3-step process which looks out for a specific skillset from the candidates who apply for a particular role.
Step 1: Task Completion
- Login to IRIS NITK and go select the button to Login to Moodle.

- Select “IRIS NITK” under the Course Categories block.

- Select IRIS Recruiment 2019 Even on this page.

Select Enrol Me option on this page.

Read through the Intro, Current and Planned Moules and Technical Overview to have a basic understanding of the requirements for the given roles.

- Fill the “General Questionnaire” as that is a compulsory task to have a general background about the candidates applying to the team.
- Instructions to complete the tasks are available in the course dashboard. You are allowed to apply for one or more teams.
Make sure that you fill the General Questionnaire before attempting the tasks.
Feel free to ask us questions regarding any of the recruitment tasks in case you are confused. Contact details are mentioned in respective documents.
Step 2: Technical Interviews
All technical interviews will be taken by the respective teams and the Team Manager(s). To have a full list of team members, do check out the IRIS Team Page.
Technical Interviews will contain a detailed discussion about the respective tasks and also interviewers will gauge the knowledge of the candidate in the respective field.
P.S. No DSA questions will be asked. :p
Step 3: HR Interviews
Once candidates are selected from technical interviews, the HR Interviews will be taken by the IRIS Team Leads, (Salman Shah and Manish Kumar) for the year 2018-2019. Candidates will be asked questions ranging from their interests to their motivation to work at IRIS.
P.S. All candidates are requested not to make up stuff as it is quite easy to spot it and will lead to immediate rejection. 😛
Teams at IRIS NITK
IRIS Backend
- It is one of the oldest teams at IRIS. This team works with Ruby on Rails MVC framework and develops modules according to the user requirements.
- Currently managed by Pavan Vachhani and Mishal Shah.
- Tasks for this year can be found at: Backend Task Link
- Expected Intake in this semester: 2-3 students
IRIS Systems
- Systems is also one of the older teams at IRIS. This team manages the server configurations, dockerisation, implementing DevOps, CI/CD etc.
- Currently managed by Mahim Agrawal.
- Tasks for the year can be found at: Systems Task Link
- Expected Intake in this semester: 1-2 students. Only for 1st and 2nd year students.
IRIS Android
- IRIS Android is one of the newer teams which is currently looking at launching of the first edition of IRIS Android App in few days.
- The team works in conjunction with the Backend team in ensuring and getting the required APIs that are to fetched. Applicants working with this team have to be thorough with the concept of GET and POST Requests and have a basic understanding of the Android Architecture.
- Currently managed by Vaibhav G
- Tasks for the year can be found at: Android Task Link
- Check out https://androidtask.iris.nitk.ac.in/ for more information about the task.
IRIS PPT (Product and Policy)
- IRIS Product and Policy Team handles the executive side, working closely with all other teams for overall development in IRIS, keeping in mind both the user perspectives and technical feasibility. The work also involves user-testing, policy formation, interaction with stakeholders etc.
- Currently managed by Shivam Potdar and Manish Kumar.
- Tasks for the year can be found at: PPT Task Link
- Expected Intake in this semester: 3 students
- IRIS UI/UX is amongst the newer teams that work towards enriching User Experience and User Interfaces for IRIS users. This team works on the front-end part of IRIS along with the Backend team and also conducts user experience research and study to make the overall experience better.
- Currently managed by Govind Jeevan
- This team is currently mentored by Aditi Chalisgaonkar who is an NITK Alumna from the Electrical and Electronics Department (Batch of 2016) and has completed a Master of Integrated Product Design from CMU. She currently works at Walmart as a UX Designer.
- UI/UX team doesn’t have open positions as of now.
IMPORTANT: Please note the last date of submission for all the tasks is 11:55PM, 13/01/18.
Feel free to contact us in case of doubts.
Best of luck to all the applicants! We hope to see you as part of our team this year and for the years coming up 🙂